Saturday, 9 July 2011

Marathon maybe?

When I was a kid, I was completely and utterly obsessed with (among other things such as Carl Lewis and Spiderman), the ancient Greeks and Romans. Perhaps the original Clash of the Titans had some bearing on this (mechanical owls? Hell yes! Harry Hamlin's hair? Hmm, not so much). In any case, I loved to read about all the myths and legends and the actual history as well. This is partly what led me to study Latin at high school instead of something more useful like, you know, a language that people actually speak.

It may also have some bearing on why I feel the urge to run a modern marathon. Now, I'm no Pheidippides - my name's easier to spell for a start - but I think I have it in me to run the 26+ miles at some point. I had always said that I would do it before I turned 40. I may have said this because 40 seemed quite far away! It's still a few years off but I think I might be taking the plunge sooner than planned.

Manchester is staging a marathon next year :) Manchester and I have unfinished business. After I finished university, I moved down to Manchester to work for Granada Television. I had a whale of a time - it's a great city for the young. Always something happening, places to go, new music to listen to. I had a truly fantastic time there. Admittedly, at that age I think I would have managed to have pretty good time wherever I'd ended up but it was also where I met the man who was to become the father of my child so it was very important for me in lots of ways. I think I'll always have a bit of a soft spot for dear old Manc ... which is why I'm giving serious thought to making my marathon debut there.

The idea is frankly terrifying. I have done a half marathon and the thought of doing that distance and then immediately doing it all over again does boggle the mind. I'm sorely tempted though ...


  1. Hi Hippolyta!

    First of all, OMG(!), don't make 40 sound like its the end of someone's life! I didn't even start exercising until I was almost 39! I plan to do yoga and weight lift until I'm at least 80. My husband thinks I am the sort of (quirky) person who would do just that.

    Maybe it is the hidden psychiatrist in me or something, but you seem to be discussing the past quite a bit lately. Well, that's your own issue to ponder.

    Believe in your dreams. Do you really truly want to run a marathon? Or do you think you should run a marathon because you probably could do it? The difference between the two answers is vast.

    :-) Marion

  2. Hi Marion. I don't think I did make 40 sound old. I just meant that it's a bit of a landmark in a person's life. Anyway, they do say life begins at 40 do they not? ;)

    I do want to run a marathon. I have no doubt about that. It's more a question of whether it's the right time for me to do so or whether I'd rather continue working on my strength gains. My strength training will have to take a back seat if I do decide to undertake marathon training and I need to work out if I'm ready for that. I do know that I don't want to compromise on both things and end up with poor results all round. That's the bit that I haven't got my head round yet! Being scared is not enough of a reason not to do it.

    Yes, the past is making it's presence felt in all sorts of ways at the moment and there are a lot of things that I'm dealing with just now. It's not wallowing, it's a process. Onwards and upwards as always!

  3. Hi Hippolyta! Your response is interesting.

    Turning 40 was just another day. The only part of being in the 40's that is truly great is that all of my 4 kids were old enough to take care of themselves more and, so, I had a lot less mothering work to do--which is probably why I started exercising so much at age 39. :-D

    Well, I didn't really know that running a marathon is a dream of yours. That's pretty *inspiring*.

    I didn't think your talk of past was wallowing either--more like the direct opposite. But, the past is always thought-provoking.

    :-) Marion

  4. Hey I'm only following this blog as you promised me a gun show lol.... So come on then??? Where are they :)

  5. Oy, cheeky! You men are all the same - only want me for my guns! The gun show was here but was taken down for reasons of ... well, for complicated reasons to do with stalkerdom and privacy :( The all new and improved gun show will be here soon. In the mean time, you can get your cheeky self back to the forum and check out my photo album. You'll know which pic it is (but don't look at my face - I have hungover, post-run face - aagh!)

    And you do know the rules of the game are I show you mine and you show me yours, right? Get those guns pumped Mr Newell - a few press ups should do the trick ;)

  6. Do it! Finishing a marathon is one of the most exhilarating feelings I have ever had.

    Get UP & Go
