Monday, 29 August 2011

Bright lights

I guess the last post seemed like a bit of a downer but in all honesty, I feel better for having got it all off my chest and, more importantly, out of my head. Baggage dumped, notes taken, time to move on!

This week will see me entering the final month of my challenge! Things are not quite how I had hoped they would be at this point. I lost more weight last week. Ordinarily, I can go months without weighing myself - the actual number is less important to me than how my body looks and feels - but I certainly felt like I was getting a bit thin. Scale confirmed it - another two pounds down, making it a loss of five over the past two weeks. Part of my aim for this week then is to stop that slide! Puny is not where it's at (particularly since the bikini I bought for the final photo results is now too bloody big and there is nothing sadder than a baggy bikini)

Weight issues aside I feel good :) I'm going to increase my strength training this week - I'm planning an extra session and aiming to go heavier on my squats. Next week, will be ultra deadlift time!

Triathlon base building will continue as well. I have a sneaking suspicion that this has been the cause of the weight loss to be honest. It involves more cardio than I have done in a long time. Obviously I don't fuel heavily before a swim but I think I need to make sure that I do better with my post-swim eating. My lack of technique makes it a harder work out than it needs to be and I have never done this volume of work in the pool in my life before.

Speaking of tri swimming, today I trained with the big boys for the first time! :) I've been doing three swim sessions a week and it happens that on Mondays and Fridays, the tri guys (as I call them) train at the same time as me. Today they invited me to join them. They are at a far more advance level than I am (truthfully I am still feeling my way a bit with the swimming) and I only completed half the session they did. That I even managed to get my ass in that pool and do any of it was a victory to me. We were talking in the sauna afterwards and one of the guys has offered to help me out a bit with my technique. Good times.

So rough plan for the week: eat more (lots more), lift more, keep moving forward and be awesome!

There you go, my sweet friends, something a bit cheerier for you all to read :)

This is erring on the side of lameness but I can't not say it. To every one of you who has been in touch with me recently to offer your support and understanding, thank you. You would be amazed to know how much it means to me and how touched and honoured I am to have such great people in my life. Thanks guys (((hugs))))

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hippolyta! I personally hate swimming--cat in water thing--but the tri guys do sound fun and inspiring. I've been talking to some of the older (age 50's-60's) really good weightlifting guys lately, and they know what it takes. They see how hard I work and how good I am. It's super good for you to be around that kind of spirit too. Let it soak into you-- for the rest of the day of more stressful stuff.

    My gym friend benched 100 pounds yesterday after my encouragement. I don't know what you weight amount you do for bench press, but you're usually a lone wolf as a strong woman in the free weights area aren't you? It was really good for me to personally see another woman trying really hard for weightlifting.

    Life is never easy, but I'm glad you are upbeat and motivated.

    :-) Marion
