Tuesday, 23 August 2011


Five weeks down, five to go.

I'm sure that I had great intentions for getting some quality training in just before the halfway mark in the hopes of posting some decent stats. That may not have happened! Indeed, it could be that last weekend, I ate off plan, had too much wine (only a few glasses but way more than I would usually have), slept too little and did no formal training (though it appears that I managed to burn some calories somehow). I weighed in on Sunday night and appeared to have lost three pounds over the weekend. Mostly dehydration from the alcohol but those pounds have not made a reappearance.

I'm relatively happy with how things are going so far. A quick check with the tape measure shows I've lost more than an inch and a half off my waist and hips, an inch off each thigh .... and gained an inch on my ass - result! Don't worry, I'm not going to prove it by posting pictures of my butt.

I'm feeling good physically. Had a great session at the gym last night and a really enjoyable trail run this morning. I've got all my training planned for the next couple of weeks and I'm looking forward to all of it (though my return to yoga tomorrow after over a month off may be hard going!)

It seems the thing that I'm going to have to be most careful about is making sure that I eat enough and making sure that I eat a bit better either side of my training sessions. The intention is not really to lose any more weight. It was never really a weight loss exercise to begin with but I need to check the number on the scale because, truthfully, I can't look at my reflection in the mirror or look at a photo and see what size I really am. I just don't see it. I know what size jeans I wear but my eye always sees a body that's at least a size or two bigger. That's not going to be useful when the time comes for shopping for my catsuit ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hippolyta! I personally would like a little more detail about what your training plans are for the next couple of weeks. I'm just curious as to what you're up to. It sounds like you're doing very well in the figure department.

    :-) Marion
