Thursday, 30 June 2011

Intensity and Variety

With the school holidays now well underway, I'm finding that I have to get a little bit more creative with my training. I simply don't have the usual amount of time to devote to my workouts. Quite apart from anything else this makes me cranky so I've been thinking about alternatives. It's not necessarily an easy thing for me - while most of my life is extremely haphazard, when it comes to training I am a stickler for routine! However, I can deal with change if I can convince myself that it was my choice. I happened to have today to myself so I chose to forego the usual Thursday activities and go for a nice run somewhere different. This is where I was:

Any guesses? This might give it away. The boat in the photo is called the Maid of the Loch:

I went up to Loch Lomond for a change of scenery. This is one of the (few) good things about living in Glasgow - you've got propery scenery just a short distance away :) Of course, I don't have time to be popping lochwards every day so I've been thinking about what I can actually do to ensure that I a) get a good workout each day but b) don't neglect child while doing so.

This is where intense workouts come in. These can be done in only 20 minutes but you will feel like you have most definitely worked. In terms of running, I go to the track and do 100m sprints (and I mean sprints). 10 x 100m with a walk back recovery. By rep four, you will hate yourself. By rep six, you will want to die. By the end of rep ten? You are a goddess ... in the form of a snivelling (possibly puking) sweaty heap at the end of the track. The last time I did this session, an older lady came up to speak to me at the end. Apparently she'd been watching me since about halfway through (though I hadn't noticed her as I was too busy hurting). I was slightly wary since I am noticably more muscular than your average woman and I very often get unkind comments about it but she couldn't have been sweeter. She said that she's often seen me out and about running round our neighbourhood and she thinks I'm "phenomenal". She completely made my day :) My other intense running workout is hill sprints. Find a big hill, run up it, jog down, do it again, and again, and again.

In terms of strength training, I like to use large compound movements in a circuit - squats, deadlifts etc. Coincidentally, I've been reading Nia Shanks blog lately and there's something there that I need to try - advanced burpees. Check her out:

I have to confess that even though I do them, burpees are one of those exercises that I never fail to bitch and moan about. I think they do have value though. So they are on the agenda for tomorrow.

And now it's time for some relaxation. A nice pink glass of wine and some Fassbending dvd action :)

More on school holiday friendly workouts next time.


  1. Hi Hippolyta! Well, I checked out the advanced burpees. I'm not sure we have a bar at the gym that I can reach without a stool. And I'd have to do chin-ups if I did them. But it is good to think big. They are a little slower than the regular burpees I do, which I would like because my main complaint is that I get a little dizzy from burpees.

    I have a push-up/dolphin push-up/dips/core rows superset that just kills me. When I'm done, I wiggle down the stairs to the locker room like a Jello goddess. It makes my free weights area days seem so much easier.

    Quite a nice compliment you got--but you're probably that intense all the time, if I'm guessing correctly.

    :-) Marion

  2. Hee! I am not that intense all the time ... a lot of it yes, but not all. I build non-intense time into my workouts too e.g. Monday nights at the gym I spend a lot of time just talking to boys :) I used to be all intensity all the time but actually my body is better now that I've learned to chill out a little bit.

    In the link, the advanced burpees are slower than I would normally do them but I think she's also being a lot more precise. I start well but the dizziness happens and I think it all gets a bit messy! I have a bar at home so I'll be practising first before I take this particular workout to the gym :)
