Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Lady in Waiting ...

... in which the term 'lady' is used loosely (since it refers only to my good self)

I've been a good girl lately in terms of not ordering things online. I have a nasty habit of popping onto ebay and just splurging. Not doing it is a good thing (as I'm sure my bank manager would agree). However, it does mean that I've gotten out of the whole delivery process loop. I did order something at the weekend. What was I thinking? Ordering on a bank holiday was not a clever idea. It means that I have no idea when the silly thing will arrive. It was allegedly despatched on Monday and should have been here yesterday. It did not arrive and I am now faced with Day 2 of waiting for my goods. I had forgotten how much the whole process irks me.

I know it is my thing and I'm the one that wanted it but damned if I don't feel put out about having to wait in my house for it! I want to go swimming or go for a run. I do not want to sit around waiting for the door buzzer of doom to sound (it is seriously the most horrific sounding buzzer in the world - think chainsaw running down your spine but at mega volume). Waiting triggers anxiety in me. I can't relax, I feel like I can't really do anything until the delivery has been made ... and this even includes things like going to the bathroom. You can see why it's a difficult business! I will do my best to get on and be productive because logically I know that the world will not end if the delivery man sees me in my workout gear or, god forbid, has to wait an extra few seconds on the doorstep because I've bravely gone to the bathroom. But next time I am only ordering things which will definitely fit through the letter box!

In any case, today's workout will have to be an indoor affair. I'm thinking I might go a bit retro and break out the old Taebo dvd! I know it's not fashionable these days but I was always very fond of good old Billy. I'll break a sweat but still have plenty of energy left for my proper gym session this evening. And truthfully, it's about as much as I feel I can manage right now. I woke up this morning with a chocolate hangover and it does not feel good :( I only tend to eat chocolate maybe once a month but I think I'm just going to cut it out altogether. I can only liken how it is now to smoking cigarettes. I used to smoke. I remember the whole head-swimming, heart pounding, pulse racing sensation of my first cigarette. The more you smoke, the less you experience that. Similarly, when I ate chocolate frequently, I didn't really notice the effects (other than it's contribution to the girth of my thighs). Now that I rarely have it, I definitely notice it having an impact. It still tastes pretty good but it gives me instant heartburn and leaves me feeling headachey and crap. I think on treat days I will stick to cake from now on - sponge, marzipan and icing have yet to give me anything but joy.

The other in-house activity I need to catch up on is my sewing. I want to make a book for my best friend's youngest baba. I've been sketching out pictures and I've started sewing some of the pages. I would happily embroider it all because pretty little stitches make me happy but in the hopes of getting it completed before baby's 21st birthday, it's mostly going to be applique with the odd embroidered bit here and there. I also have knickers to complete! I've got a few pairs finished and I keep hoping for some actual sunlight so I can take photos. Alas, Glasgow has been resolutely grey for weeks.

Final note: I'm having one or two teething troubles with Blogger, specifically I can't seem to comment on either my blog or anyone elses. They are aware of the issue but it's not yet been resolved. Hopefully it will be soon - unless it's all a conspiracy to keep me quiet ...


  1. Poor you! Blogger makes us new people feel awkward even without having extra troubles on it. Good luck with straightening it all out.

    My Mom and I made cloth books for my kids, when they were little, too. A baby book isn't truly a good book unless the baby can chew on the corner of it.

    :-) Marion

  2. I've been trying to comment all day about how much I love Billy Blanks but it wouldn't let me...if this works, I'll know it's down to securty setting on certain computers.
    I love Billy! Whoo!!
